Recent Investments

Solar Energy

B&B invested in going green! Our 100,000 sq. ft. facility is now operated using solar panels. With solar power, we are able to reduce nonrenewable energy consumption and air pollution, leaving a better planet behind us. 

rooftop solar panels


CNC Belt Slitter

 With a CNC belt slitter, B&B now has the ability to not only increase turnaround times but to provide spiral cut (long length) synchronous timing belts! We can provide stock or custom timing belts - even in hard-to-find lengths, special widths, unique materials and reinforcements, specific backing options, and high/low temperature resistances.

cnc belt slitter


Tsugami BOS25V-III

Our new Tsugami CNC Screw Machine can feed up to 1.5" bar stock and quickly turn and mill complex components! With this, we now have 27 turning machines! Such capacity, combined with our other machining capabilities, allows B&B to be the solution for your high volume, cost sensitive, and elaborate parts. 

Tsugami BOS25V-III