Timing Belts & Pulleys for Vending Machines

 The vending machine industry has been using synchronous belts and timing pulleys since the late 1800's. Synchronous drive systems are used in various vending machines (cold and frozen, bulk, office supplies, self service DVD rental kiosks, crane machines, postage handling equipment, ticket machines, and money handling equipment.  

Synchronous Belts, Timing Pulleys, and Power Transmission Components from B&B Manufacturing are used in custom vending machines and kiosks for virtually any application. Modern kiosks are computer-driven and interactive, making them effective and efficient while providing a unique user experience.

B&B has worked with kiosk manufacturers in various industries including food & beverage, home improvement, home entertainment, and more.

chuck-e-cheese arcade

In currency and postage handling equipment, timing belt pulleys and synchronous belts are used to turn the conveyer rollers which feed the money and postage. In the example above, there are 4 timing belt pulleys and 2 timing belts used to feed money and postage through the machines.

DVD Vending Machines use Timing pulleys

redbox machine

In kiosks, synchronous drive systems are used in multiple parts of the kiosk including money changers, ATM machines, printers, ticket feeders, and product selectors.

Visit the B&B product catalog to see the variety of offerings that we have in terms of power transmission and precision mechanical components. 

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QD® is a trademark of TB Woods, Inc.
FHT® is a trademark of Fenner Precision.